Archie's presentations vary according to the demands of the audience. Every year for the past 15, Archie has spoken and conducted workshops at hundreds of schools, universities, libraries and festivals in Australia and overseas.
Tailored talks on Writing to Audiences from Year 7 to Adult. Usually of 50 to 60 minute duration, these talks touch on Archie's work, his inspirations, and the realities of writing fiction for a living.
Tailored talks on the Craft of Writing to Audiences from Year 7 to Adult usually of 50 to 60 minutes duration, these talks focus on the dynamics behind writing a successful work of fiction, drawing on Archie’s vast experience of writing and publishing many hundreds of short stories and seven successful novels.
Tailored Creative Writing Workshops to Audiences from Grade 5 to Adult. These are hands-on writing workshops, drawing on both Archie’s experience as a professional writer and a teacher, and cover areas as diverse as Generating Ideas, Characterisation, Dialogue, Editing, The Short Story, and Drawing to write a series of sessions for children.
General Talks to Writers Groups, Book Clubs, and Coterie Clubs. Archie often speaks to adult audiences about his extensive experiences as a writer, answering questions about the many and varied roles he has had throughout his twenty year career as a professional writer.
Teachers of Italian and Italian Language Students. Archie presents a highly acclaimed hands-on presentation, The other Migrant Stories; based on his award-winning Fellowship. Ideal for students in Years 10-12, particularly those researching Migration, and for anyone interested in the untold stories of those Italians who moved to Australia with the intent of migrating and then returned to Italy. Their stories will change many of the preconceived ideas about Italian Migration and its lingering impact.
Fluent in reading and writing in Italian, Archie often gives presentations to students studying a second language, motivating them to maintain an interest in a second language based on his experiences of success as a writer with bilingual skills.